
Mental and physical self-care (news from the lecture) (Apr issue 2022)

29 Mar 2022


To continue, getting to know about the principle of Taiji Quan is important for you to get a higher effect. There are 7 main points.

1.In your daily life, you might have bad postures or bad habits which may result in difficulty carrying out some movements. With bad postures and habits, you might hurt your knee or your back, or you might feel uncomfortable raising your legs. Therefore, try keeping your back straight.

2.Having a stable ventilation allows you to maximize your benefits of doing Taiji Quan. Just relax, so that you can lighten your chest and shoulders. If you have too much power in your body, your respiration will be tense, which does not maximize the effect of Taiji Quan.

3.Even if the movement looks uncomplicated and easy, you still need to take care of how your arm is raised, where your legs placement is, and which angle your body is facing. If you are disturbed by something else, you are not able to keep a constant pace.  By concentrating, the effect of Taiji Quan is maximized.

4.Movement of your waist is important when you carry out continuous movements slowly. It is not the way to maximize the benefit if you easily carry out those movements without any consciousness about how your legs and arms move. Try using your deep muscle to rotate your waist and hip joints. Keeping hip joints flexible also allows you to protect yourself from injury.

5.Supporting your weight by entire soles allows you to keep stabilized during the movements. You might be supporting weights only by one part of your sole now and that is not a good sign. Try to be conscious of your posture and how you support your weight.

6.Most people support themselves with their two legs without any consciousness. They usually do not care about how weight is supported by each leg. However, in Taiji Quan, you should be conscious of how much weight is acting on each leg, and move your weight to each leg corresponding to the movement you do. To do this, controlling your entire body, including knee, waist, hip joints, and deep muscle, is very important.

7.Each movement is to be carried out continuously and slowly, with calm respiration. You cannot stop the movements even if you are faster than the entire group. Try slowing down your movements if you feel you rushed too much, not stopping.

To enhance our immunity against COVID-19, disease, arthritis etc,Taiji is coming into fashion in Japan, Australia, US, and many other countries. Life long practise is essential to support your body.It is adaptable to all ages and health conditions.

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(Photo 2)
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(Photo 3)

Photo courtesy of the Tai Chi Group

The following video introduces the characteristics and types of Yang style taijiquan for your reference.

Tai Chi Group 2021 Summer Activities


TAIKYOKUKEN_mar_2022_4.jpg (293 KB)


Name : Khoo Hock Lai

Trainer : 

a) Japanese Association Singapore 

b) People’s Association Singapore 

c) Sports,SG

Taiji Experience: 30 years

Forte: Yang style

 Mental and physical self-care (news from the lecture) (Apr issue 2022)